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Book Launch
11 March 2019

The Co-production Research Network is proud to announce the release of a new volume on European film and television co-production, edited and authored by CoRN members and published by Palgrave Macmillan.


European Film and Television Co-production: Policy and Practice brings together the voices of policy professionals, industry practitioners and media industry scholars to trace the contours of a complex practice that is of increasing significance in the global media landscape. 

To launch the book, several events are planned:

A public lecture by Dr Julia Hammett-Jamart will be held at the University of Copenhagen.

This will be followed by an industry reception and a public screening of the film Europa at the DFI Film House, introduced by Petar Mitric.

European Film and Television Co-production: Policy and Practice


European Co-production Symposium
University of Copenhagen
23-24 November 2016

An international symposium that brought together academics, industry practitioners and policy professionals from around the world to explore the manner in which co-production facilitates, promotes and/or undermines European screen production, to discuss key policy challenges, and to consider future trends.

Organised by the Co-production Research Network, hosted by the University of Copenhagen, with the financial support of the Centre for Modern European Studies (CEMES) and the UCLA Producer's Program.  


Keynote Speakers

Ib Bondebjerg, University of Copenhagen

Roberto Olla, Eurimages

Day 1 Scholarly Panels

Day 2 Industry Roundtables

Centre for Modern European Studies, University of Copenhagen

© 2016 CoRN

Coproduction Research Network
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